Friday 30 April 2021
A new Ambulance Station will be delivered in Medowie as part of the NSW Government’s $100 million Stage 2 Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (RAIR) program.
Medowie in Port Stephens is among the first sites to be announced under the program, which also includes Lake Cathie, Old Bar, Forster, Tamworth and Casino.
Health Infrastructure is currently working with NSW Ambulance to determine an appropriate site in Medowie, with a site announcement to be made in the coming months.
RAIR Stage 2 will see upgraded, rebuilt or entirely new NSW Ambulance stations delivered in rural and regional NSW, to support the delivery of enhanced out of hospital emergency medical care to the community.
The RAIR program ensures local NSW Ambulance paramedics have the best possible infrastructure to provide emergency medical care to meet shifting patient demographics, and better meet current and future demand for emergency medical care in regional and rural NSW.
This announcement follows the first stage of the RAIR program which saw the NSW Government invest $132 million, the biggest regional and rural transformation of infrastructure in NSW Ambulance’s history.
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