Thursday 18 March 2021
On Friday 12 March, more than 150 members of the NSW Health Asset Management community – across Local Health Districts, Specialty Health Networks, Health Pillars and other NSW Health Organisations – came together to focus on 2021 deliverables and the upcoming transition through to 2024 and compliance with the NSW Whole of Government Asset Management Policy.
Called the Asset Management Compendium, the conference detailed the strategic cross-Government and NSW Health drivers for the renewed asset management focus, as well as provided operational guidance across specific portfolios and the health entities 2021 deliverables – Strategic Asset Management Plans (SAMPs) and Asset Management Plans (AMPs).
Director of Asset Management, NSW Health, Peter Dicks, opened the day by introducing the agenda, setting the scene and providing the context and Daniel Hunter, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Secretary for NSW Health, provided an informative key note speech on agency resilience and budget later in the day.
Executive Director, Asset and Project Advisory Miles Murphy said the conference was a great way to bring everyone together to reinforce a shared understanding and learn from one another.
“NSW Treasury has set a clear goal for NSW Health as an agency, but we know that our success is shared. While we all have a different role to play, all parts of NSW Health need to work together to achieve that,” he said.
The Compendium started with a strategic lens, looking at the strategic cross-government context that guides Asset Management, as well a NSW Health’s Health Infrastructure Strategy and Health Infrastructure’s new Corporate Strategy 2021 – 2025.
One important focus of the day was the 2021 deliverable for Health Entities who will have to complete their Strategic Asset Management Plans and Asset Management Plans.
NSW Health Manager Asset Strategy, Ellie Kallianis gave a high-level overview, with a detailed presentation and a Q & A session following on from Health Infrastructure’s Senior Project Director, Andrew Cox, outlining the tailored support available.
Presentations were also given on the different Asset Management portfolios and considerations including information and digital technology, resource efficiency, property and capital planning.
To find out more about NSW Health Asset Management program, contact
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