NSW and Victoria border communities have received their first look at concept designs for the new Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital and are being invited to provide their feedback.
The project will centralise emergency, mental health, and maternity and paediatric care on one site at Albury Hospital, paving the way for the current Wodonga campus to transform into a non-emergency care hub for the community.
A new 7-storey Clinical Services Building will be delivered as part of the project, which will significantly enhancing healthcare facilities for the growing Border communities, now and into the future.
The project will deliver a mix of new and refurbished facilities and is expected to include:
- More than 80 additional new beds for medical and surgical inpatients across 3 new inpatient units with 60% single rooms and remainder in double rooms.
- Enhanced Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Enhanced Maternity and birthing services, including a special care nursery
- 32 bed Mental Health inpatient unit to replace and expand the existing Nolan House current 24-bed service
- Surgical and operating theatres, including a hybrid theatre plus procedure room
- New Cardiac Catheter Lab
- New central sterile supply department adjacent to theatres
- Expanded ambulatory care, cardiac diagnostics and allied health therapies
- New hospital main entrance and public drop-off zone from Keene Street., Aboriginal Family Lounge, Multi-faith Centre and retail opportunities
- Additional at grade and multi-storey car parking
Numbers will be finalised as planning and design progresses.
The refurbishment of the current ICU space will provide additional points of care for the Emergency Department, a new six-bed Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Unit, and new and upgraded pharmacy and pathology facilities.
A new multi-storey car park and better designed car parking spaces around the hospital campus will increase capacity on site.
Planning and design for the hospital has been informed by consultation with key stakeholders including Albury Wodonga Health Service staff, Albury Council, Wodonga Council, NSW and Victoria government agencies, the local Aboriginal community, the Project Community Advisory Group and the broader Albury Wodonga community.
Consultation and community feedback is being invited and will help inform the next stage of design and support the development of necessary planning requirements.