Redeveloping a hospital is not as straight forward as you may think – every redevelopment is tailored to a community’s unique needs.
Once the Local Health District (LHD) completes the Clinical Services Plan, Health Infrastructure along with the LHD appoint a Lead Design Team to begin planning for the redevelopment. This involves creating a hospital campus master plan, which then is used to develop a concept design.
Combining information from the Clinical Services Plan, master plan and concept design, a business case is compiled which will outline the redevelopment’s scope and budget.
Only after we have conducted this extensive planning and design process can we start building. Delivery involves the award of a construction tender with the successful contractor beginning construction works which can include enabling works, early works and/or main works. As many redevelopments take place on existing hospital sites it is essential that works are staged to not compromise the day to day operations of the staff and clinicians in providing patient care.