Health Infrastructure is committed to building a ‘speak up’ culture where staff are encouraged to report serious wrongdoing. All reports will be assessed, and appropriate action will be taken in response to the report. Under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW) staff, witnesses, and other persons will be protected from detrimental action that might arise from reporting that serious wrongdoing.
A public interest disclosure is a report made by a public official that relates to serious wrongdoing which is a matter of public interest. Serious wrongdoing includes:
- corrupt conduct
- serious maladministration
- a privacy contravention
- a serious and substantial waste of public money
- a government information contravention.
Health Infrastructure staff who have knowledge of, or have witnessed, serious wrongdoing should make a confidential report about the wrongdoing. Reports can be made to a disclosure officer. A strong culture of reporting promotes integrity, accountability and transparent management within Health Infrastructure.
Reports of serious wrongdoing will be managed in accordance with the Health Infrastructure Public Interest Disclosures Direction (A.14). This Direction provides procedures for receiving, assessing and managing public interest disclosures in compliance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW). It should be read in conjunction with the NSW Health Policy Directive on Public Interest Disclosure (PD2023_026).