Health Infrastructure is working in partnership with Albury Wodonga Health, the Victorian Department of Health and the Victorian Health Building Authority to expand and enhance a range of health services and facilities for the Albury Wodonga region.
The NSW, Victorian and Australian governments have committed $558 million to the Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital project, one of the largest regional health projects currently underway in NSW and Victoria.
The new Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital will provide enhanced and expanded health care services in contemporary facilities to support Albury, Wodonga and Border communities now and into the future.
The Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital project will support the region’s growing population, provide contemporary models of care and better connectivity across the Albury Hospital Campus.
The concept design for the new Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital project has been released, and shows three new buildings on the Albury Campus:
- The 7-storey Clinical Services Building
- The 2-storey Northeast Building
- The multi-storey carpark.
When finished, the new hospital will:
- deliver a mix of new and refurbished facilities
- enable further growth in sub-acute, day surgical and ambulatory care at Wodonga Hospital Campus by relocating existing inpatient maternity, birthing, neonatal care and day medical services to Albury Campus.
- retain existing high value health assets, including the recently completed Emergency Department expansion
- attract skilled and specialised medical, nursing, allied health and support staff
- consolidate complex care on one site, improving safety for patients, reducing the duplication of services and the need for urgent travel between the Wodonga and Albury Campuses
- create a regional health hub with the investment of health services already on site and the additional 7-storey Clinical Services Building
The project will deliver a mix of new and refurbished facilities and is expected to include:
- More than 80 additional new beds for medical and surgical inpatients across 3 new inpatient units with 60% per cent single rooms and remainder in double rooms.
- Additional at-grade and multi-storey car parking
- New hospital main entrance and public drop-off zone from Keene Street, Aboriginal Family Lounge, Multi-faith Centre and retail opportunities
- Expanded ambulatory care, cardiac diagnostics and allied health therapies
- New central sterile supply department adjacent to theatres
- New Cardiac Catheter Lab
- New surgical and operating theatres, including a hybrid theatre plus procedure room
- 32-bed Mental Health inpatient unit to replace and expand the existing Nolan House current 24-bed service
- Enhanced Maternity and birthing services, including a special care nursery
- New and enhanced Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Numbers will be finalised as planning and design progresses.
The Clinical Services Building
The new 7-storey Clinical Services Building will significantly boost healthcare facilities in the region for the growing Border communities. The additional capacity in the inpatient units will support the health service’s capacity to serve diverse patient needs.
The consolidation of maternity, birthing, newborn services and paediatrics on one site will improve patient outcomes and experiences for families, reducing the need for travel between hospital campuses.
Through consultation, clinical services have been prioritised to meet the immediate and growing needs of the community and ensure works can commence sooner.
The Clinical Services Building is designed to enable future expansion, including space for a new paediatrics inpatient unit; operating theatre expansion; additional consulting rooms and education and library spaces. These spaces will be fitted out in stages within the available budget. Patients requiring more urgent complex care will continue to be safely and effectively transferred using the nearby Albury Airport.
The Northeast Building
To facilitate the construction of the Clinical Services Building, a new facility will be built near East Street, called the Northeast Building.
The 2-storey Northeast Building will support a range of health services and staff currently located in the Allied Health building that will be relocated to enable the future construction of the new 7-storey Clinical Services Building. The Northeast Building is also being built with the flexibility to provide opportunities for future service expansion. Construction is expected to start on the Northeast Building this year, subject to planning approvals and appointment of a contractor.
For more information see FAQs, Northeast Building from page 7.
Multi-storey carpark
A new multi-storey carpark as well as better designed car parking spaces at-grade level will be delivered to increase parking capacity on site. The final number of parking spaces will be determined during the design phase to meet the projected needs of the hospital community.
Building a hospital involves three key phases – planning, design and delivery.
The concept design for the new Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital project has been released, providing a first look at the state-of-the-art health facilities at the Albury Campus.
The concept design shows the size and scale of the new hospital, as well as the relationships between the clinical functions, services, buildings and other facilities to be delivered as part of the project.
The concept design builds on master planning undertaken in 2023.
The master plan provided a comprehensive framework for the hospital redevelopment, which included construction of a new purpose-built, multi-storey clinical services building as well as upgrades to existing facilities to support the expansion of the hospital.
View the
2024 Concept Design Report.
View the
2023 Master Plan Report and
More than 800 people have provided valuable feedback on the concept design for the $558 million redevelopment of the Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital.
The feedback received from key stakeholders including staff and clinicians from Albury Wodonga Health, NSW and Victoria government agencies, the local Aboriginal community, a dedicated Project Community Advisory Group and the Border communities, will feed into the next stage of the project, schematic design, to further improve the hospital experience for visitors and patients.
The design has responded to feedback highlighting the need for a hospital that meets the needs of a growing population, provides contemporary models of care, improves access around the Albury Campus and provides connection to the outdoors for the wellbeing of patients, staff and visitors.
Many people have learned about the designs at recent community information sessions, following the release of the concept design:
- Wednesday 28 August - online
- Thursday 29 August - Beechworth Bakery (outside)
- Thursday 29 August - online
- Thursday 29 August - Albury West End Plaza
- Friday 30 August - Corowa Woolworths (outside)
- Friday 30 August - Wodonga White Box Shops
- Saturday 31 August - Albury Wodonga Markets
- Thursday 5 September - Holbrook Returned Services Club
- Friday 6 September - Tallangatta IGA (outside)
Share your feedback
We want to thank everyone who provided feedback via the community survey which was open for 4 weeks from 21 August 2024. There were more than 150 responses to the community survey during the concept design phase.
For more details on the latest feedback shared, view the community and stakeholder engagement summary for the concept design release below.
Expressions of Interest – Project Community Advisory Group and Mental Health Lived and Living Experience Co-design Group
Expressions of interest are now open for two key community engagement opportunities as part of the Albury Wodonga Regional Hospital project - the 2025 Project Community Advisory Group (PCAG) and the Mental Health Lived Experience Co-design Group.
Learn more about each group and submit your Expression of Interest by 27 February 2025.
Additional project information, including project updates and master plan consultation materials, is available below.
For more information, visit the Albury Wodonga Health website or contact the project team at or (02) 9978 5444.
Register for project updates here.