Tuesday 16 February 2022
The NSW Government has announced an additional $30 million funding boost, on top of initial state funding of $20 million, for the Glen Innes Hospital Upgrade.
The upgrade will deliver contemporary facilities and services that support best practice models of care to meet health needs of the community now and into the future.
The additional funding will help deliver enhanced community health, inpatient areas and outpatient clinic spaces to support local GPs and visiting specialists to work out of the hospital and support the community.
Master planning will continue over the next six weeks with a focus on flexible clinical services and contemporary models of care. As part of master planning the site will be reviewed including demolition of redundant buildings as required.
A scope of works is being developed and the project team will continue to work with key stakeholders to help inform planning and design.
Clinical Service Planning consultation for the project has now been completed, and there will be future opportunities for staff, clinicians and the broader community to have input on shaping the hospital upgrade as the project progresses.
A lead consultant project team was appointed last year to progress planning and design, with the draft hospital master plan expected to be unveiled in mid-2022.
Construction timeframes will be confirmed once planning is further progressed.
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