26 July 2019
Emergency care in the Queanbeyan region is on track for improvement with construction of the Bungendore Ambulance Station well underway.
The new station’s external structure is in place, with internal installations and external pavements and landscaping progressing.
Designed with input from local paramedics, the facility will feature a number of modifications and improvements to better meet the region’s emergency medical needs.
Construction is on track for completion in late 2019, ahead of the final fit-out and commissioning.
The station is part of the NSW Government’s $122 million Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (
RAIR) program.
To date, 23 upgraded, rebuilt or new regional and rural ambulance stations have been announced under the RAIR program. This includes completed stations at Pottsville, Wagga Wagga, Coolamon, Ardlethan, Harden, Molong, Griffith, Kiama, Berry, Bay & Basin, Toukley, Wauchope, Hamlyn Terrace and Bathurst.

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