22 February 2018
The $50 million Brookvale Community Health Centre is officially open, delivering 22 health services, including the first in house BreastScreen NSW for the Northern Beaches.

“It has been satisfying to see a challenging project come together involving TfNSW and Health working in collaboration for a great outcome. The site has been utilised to provide a Community Health Centre, commuter parking and a bus interchange in the one location,” said Project Director at Health Infrastructure, Ryan Thoroughgood.
The Brookvale facility is the third community health facility delivered in the Northern Beaches in recent years, complementing the Dalwood Child and Family Health Centre in Seaforth and the Community Health Centre at Mona Vale Hospital.
Services at the new centre include:
- BreastScreen NSW;
- Child and Family Health;
- Child and Youth Mental Health;
- Chronic and Complex Care;
- Community Adult Mental Health;
- Community Drug and Alcohol;
- Health Promotion;
- Northern Sydney Home Nursing Service;
- Oral Health; and
- Community Rehabilitation and Aged Care.
The centre has a multi-storey car park with more than 450 spaces, including 250 parking spaces for commuters using the new B-Line bus route.