The Bathurst Hospital redevelopment is another step closer following the appointment of the Project Team.
The redevelopment of Bathurst Hospital will provide new health facilities and upgraded clinical services to transform health outcomes and experiences for the local community and wider Central West region.
The project team was appointed following a competitive tender process and includes TSA as the Project Manager and Billard Leece Partnership as the Architects.
With the Project Team now on board, master planning is expected to be completed in early 2023, which will involve consultation with key stakeholders including clinicians, staff, patients, carers and the local community to inform planning and design.
Feedback and input from staff, the local community, carers and patients with lived experience will be an important part of the planning process, to ensure the new facility reflects the needs and values of the Bathurst, Oberon and Rylstone communities.
A Community Reference Group will be established to represent the diverse needs of the local and surrounding communities. This will provide valuable input to ensure the best possible health care solutions are delivered for the region.
The Bathurst Hospital Redevelopment is part of the NSW Government’s record $11.9 billion investment in health infrastructure over four years to 2025-26, with nearly a third of the capital allocation in this financial year going towards regional and rural health facilities.
Since 2011, the government has delivered more than 180 health capital projects across NSW, with more than 130 projects currently underway – of those, more than 90 are in rural and regional areas.