Thursday 29 July 2021
The Tamworth community will soon benefit from a new ambulance station under the $232 million Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (RAIR) program, with the preferred site announced today.
The new, state-of-the-art Tamworth Ambulance Station will be built at 59-73 Piper Street and replace the existing Marius Street Station.
The location of the station was mapped using NSW Ambulance best practice demand modelling software and will better enable local paramedics to meet current and future demand for emergency care.
Once completed, the new station in Piper Street, Tamworth will include:
Next steps include further investigations, design development and seeking planning approval for the new station.
The RAIR program is the single largest investment in regional NSW Ambulance’s 126-year history, with 24 new or upgraded ambulance stations already delivered or under construction as part of the $132 million Stage 1. Another $100 million worth of ambulance assets are being delivered under Stage 2 of the program.
The Tamworth South Ambulance Station at 42 Petra Avenue will remain operational. When complete, both NSW Ambulance stations will service the Tamworth and surrounding communities.
The NSW Government is investing a record $10.8 billion in health infrastructure over the next four years to 2025, including more than $900 million in rural and regional areas in 2021-22.
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