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Co-design focus on Human Experience Week

This week is Human Experience Week 2023 (1-7 May), a time for us to focus on the human experience in healthcare, take time to think about patient, family and carer experiences and celebrate staff.
Our theme for Human Experience Week 2023 is All of Us: The Power of Community. 
From this year's theme we focus on co-design on our projects and how engagement with consumers, carers, and communities provides diverse perspectives that improve the human experience in all our facilities.
The Ryde Hospital Redevelopment is regularly enriched by the perspectives of the Ryde Community and Consumer Reference Group (CRG), made up of a cross-section of local community members. The members help inform the project at different stages of the redevelopment process, ensuring the redevelopment meets the needs of the broader community.  
The new Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) at the Westmead Health Precinct has been co-designed with women with a lived experience of mental illness, their families and clinicians to ensure it meets the needs of women who will access the service. The facility is designed to keep families together when a mother requires hospitalisation for a severe perinatal mental illness, further reducing pressure on GPs and emergency departments. 
Representatives from the Barkandji Nation and local Aboriginal community have been central to shaping the new Buronga HealthOne facility that delivers primary integrated care that focuses on community health in Far West NSW. Listening and collaborating with the local Aboriginal community on this important new health facility has allowed us to engage and learn about culturally significant initiatives, which have been incorporated into design.  
These are only a few recent examples of how Health Infrastructure incorporates consultation and co-design to enrich projects, and we thank all consumers, carers and communities who have helped shape HI projects.
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