Health Infrastructure recently commenced recruitment of new graduates and interns, direct showcasing HI’s projects and outlining upcoming opportunities to potential candidates at two university career fairs across Sydney.
Health Infrastructure representatives, including some of our current graduates, manned booths at the University of Western Sydney Property and Construction Management Expo at Parramatta and the University of Technology Career Fair at Broadway, both held in early August.
More than 100 students registered their interest in the HI Graduate Program or Internship.

Recruiting 2017/2018 Graduates
To help deliver our pipeline of projects, we are seeking an immediate intake of Graduates in September 2017, and a second intake in February 2018.
Disciplines we are looking for include:
- Construction
- Built Environment
- Engineering
- Project Management
- Legal
- Procurement
- IT/Document Management
- Commerce
- Planning
- Health Services
- Supply Chain/Logistics
- Finance

Application Process
Advertisements will be published in late August 2017 for the September 2017 and February 2018 intakes. The roles will be advertised on the NSW Government website: as well as Seek, LinkedIn and other external sources.