Thursday 14 May 2020
The schematic design of the $250 million
Griffith Base Hospital Redevelopment has been released for community feedback.
The release provides the community with a first look at the detailed site plans for their new hospital, which builds on the concept design consultation with the hospital’s user groups and key stakeholders.
The new Griffith Base Hospital will deliver all key clinical services under one roof in a new, purpose designed building to support contemporary models of care.
The design proposes a three-storey building which will include rehabilitation, Emergency Department, surgical, and medical inpatient units; as well as maternity, nursery, medical imaging, paediatrics, renal, oncology services and a clinical linkway to the adjoining private hospital.
A non-clinical services building will be built to provide back of house services to support the operation of the main clinical building.
The main works also include the demolition of remaining redundant buildings, new car parking and extensive landscaping of the health campus.
Construction is currently taking place on-site as the redevelopment includes early and enabling works to allow the continued operation of the health service while the new hospital is being constructed.
The community will receive information via a local letterbox drop in the coming weeks which will include artist’s impressions, a site plan and information about the design. There is a tear-off self-addressed feedback section for local residents to complete and return.
Feedback can also be received via the project email:
Schematic design feedback is open until 15 July 2020.
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