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Health Infrastructure launches Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Health Infrastructure has formalised and strengthened our role in enabling meaningful action toward reconciliation with the launch of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), the first plan of this kind for HI.  

Our Reflect RAP is a framework to build on existing relationships and previous positive experiences working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to achieve culturally appropriate outcomes. It also calls for our people and partners to stop, listen deeply, and reflect on how we can support reconciliation in ways that are action focused and real.  

This commitment acknowledges our unique opportunity to listen to and learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, partners, and community members as we plan and design culturally safe health facilities across NSW.  

Our people came together with stakeholders and members of the community to celebrate the launch of the Reflect RAP at an in-person and virtual event, that included an introduction from NSW Health Secretary, Susan Pearce.     

Read the Health Infrastructure Reflect RAP.

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