Thursday 10 December 2020
Funding for Stage 3 of the St George Hospital Redevelopment will be accelerated over the next two years, starting the project earlier than planned.
The accelerated funds will be drawn from the NSW Government’s $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, announced in the 2020/21 NSW Budget in November.
A total of $385 million has been committed to the St George Hospital Stage 3 project, with $105 million fast-tracked.
This investment will provide:
- new precinct including an ambulatory care unit, outpatient and day surgery services
- new day rehabilitation unit
- increased subacute inpatient beds
- hub for community health and home-based services.
Early works for the project are set to start in 2021, with main works to commence in 2022.
The NSW Government has committed $705.7 million to recent and future capital works at the St George Hospital. This includes:
- St George Hospital Stage 3
- St George Hospital Birthing Suite and Theatre Refurbishment which opened in February 2020
- St George Hospital Redevelopment, including new Acute Services Building (ASB) and refurbishment of the existing hospital
- St George Hospital Emergency Department
Construction of the St George Hospital Stage 3 project is expected to be completed in 2025.
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