30 September 2019
In good news for emergency care for communities of Yass and surrounds, construction on the new ambulance station at Yass is complete.
Health Infrastructure joined NSW Ambulance, paramedics and political representatives to celebrate the event.
Designed with input from local paramedics, the modern, purpose-built station is tailored to the community’s needs and includes:
- Internal parking for up to four emergency ambulance vehicles
- Administration and office areas
- Multipurpose meeting/training room
- Relief accommodation
- Logistics and storage areas
- Staff parking
- Deliveries and loading bay
- External wash bay
Next steps include internal fit-out and operational commissioning by NSW Ambulance, ahead of the station going live in the coming months.
Located on Meehan Street, Yass, the new ambulance station forms part of the NSW Government’s $122 million Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (
RAIR) program, helping local paramedics better meet regional emergency medical care needs well into the future.
To date, 24 upgraded, rebuilt or new regional and rural ambulance stations have been announced under the RAIR program, including completed stations at Wagga Wagga, Coolamon, Ardlethan, Harden, Molong, Griffith, Kiama, Berry, Bay and Basin, Toukley, Wauchope, Hamlyn Terrace, Bathurst and Pottsville.
These exciting RAIR projects represent the biggest regional and rural transformation of NSW Ambulance infrastructure in the organisation’s history.

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