Wednesday 9 March 2022
Sydney’s inner west community and hospital staff are being invited to have their say on the $750 million redevelopment of the Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital.
The NSW Government has fast-tracked the project as part of the state’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan and is seeking community and staff input to ensure the new hospital meets the area’s growing needs for health services into the future.
The project is the most significant investment in RPA’s 140-year history to support the world-leading services for the 700,000 people who live in Sydney Local Health District and the more than 1 million people who come into the District each day to work, study and visit.
The redevelopment will deliver an enhanced and expanded emergency department and Intensive Care Unit, as well as medical imaging suites, operating theatres, maternity, birthing and neonatal areas, and additional inpatient beds.
The consultation will help shape the detailed planning and design of RPA’s new and upgraded facilities as part of the redevelopment. It builds on engagement already undertaken with staff, clinicians and community members to ensure the hospital meets the growing healthcare needs of patients, staff and the broader community.
The project’s enabling works commenced in 2021 as part of the accelerated program.
Feedback can be provided via the RPA project website:
Construction is also underway on a RPA HealthOne at Green Square, which will deliver a range of services focused on early intervention, health promotion and prevention including services that would traditionally be provided in a hospital setting at RPA.
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